The set up of joint and several debt on expands the liability of each debtor to other debtors, playing an important role to the protection of the interests of the creditors and maintenance of security exchange. 连带债务的设定,将各债务人的责任扩张至其他债务人,对于债权人利益的保护和市场交易安全的维护具有重要意义。
The joint liability stipulations in the decrees of all countries are aimed to ensure the interests of the creditors who are obliged to be paid back by affordable debtors. 各国法律规定连带之债,其立法精神就是确保债权人的利益,使其能向最具偿付能力的债务人请求给付。
If the debtee of the unreal joint and several liability prosecute the whole or part of the debtors, the action can be consolidated according to the ordinary common litigation. 不真正连带责任的债权人对数个或全部债务人提起诉讼,可以按照普通共同诉讼的方式合并审理。
Joint and several obligation is a kind of obligation with several creditors or several debtors, which has been of great importance ever since the Rome Law, and still remains a fundamental yet complicated issue in the domain of law of obligation. 连带债务是多数人债务的一种,自罗马法以来就是一种重要的债务类型,也是债法领域既基本又复杂的问题。